Tuesday, September 13, 2011

7C Coaching Towards Engagement Culture In Organisation

7Cs: Challenge, Confidante, Courageous, Committed, Caring, Consistent, Coachable

1st - Challenge - A call or demand by coach to ensure that coachee go beyond their comfort zone. Coach is responsible to ensure that coachee do not just works within the comfortable zone, because the key factor to really unleash the potential is to challenge coachee innovation and creativity.

When we challenge someone innovation and creativity, there is no way we can reach what we have set to achieve unless we acquire new field of experience and learning. This journey together coach & coachee need to really understand that it is not just an over a day of work, but rather it is a process that everyone must persevere till to attitude of change has become habitual in their daily life.

Talking about the circle of comfort zone, everyone does has individual limits, but the good news is this circle of comfort zone never stay. Our role as coach is to enlarge the circle, so that there are more and more new zone that become a familiar ground for the coachee. Coachee on the other hands must be able to see himself as explorer of new zone, accepting and putting their full trust that coach will hold his hand in time of needs. Coachee must be committed to see change for them to be closer to their desire outcome.

Lets us all, continue to accept challenge in our life so that we will open new field and create a bigger comfort zone for us to life within.

Regards: Hok Eng

Friday, August 19, 2011

Leading Individuals towards Organisation breakthrough

The news TM Model

news TM is a global (systemic) self-navigation process that is results oriented. It is designed to assist managers and executives in navigating through difficult situations, to accompany and coach them in achieving their unique potential for greatness and fulfillment within the organization context.

news TM Organizational Coaching guides managers and executives to synchronize their personal, interpersonal, and organizational realities.
This global, reproducible, objective, and transparent process assists them in alignment, motivation and focus. It helps managers and executives develop their potential and improve their effectiveness by revealing their particular contribution to the successful pursuit of organizational objectives.

The N.E.W.S. Model
The news TM system is particularly useful in the following organizational situations:
  1. Transition – Starting a new role, new project, new team, new organization etc.
  2. Performance or behavior challenges for the manager or the executive.
  3. Development of future management, leadership or key talents.  
news TM is a unique and universal coaching concept. This concept guides individuals, teams, or organizations:

  • In the North - Identify "direction", strategy and vision in the chosen area of coaching
  • In the East – Improve motivation and verify coherence with their own system of values
  • In the West – plan and execute effective tactics whilst improving skills and the usage of resources
  • In the South - Detect and overcome blockages and limiting beliefs that prevent them from achieving their goals

The news TM Model engages the person who is being coached in analyzing the current situation; then implements a set of specific, and simple to learn tools designed to enhance self-leadership and navigation. In the process of understanding and analyzing, using the metaphor of the compass, the model associates a particular blockage to each of the 4 directions.

  • In the North, a lack of clear direction and vision of the targeted goals.
  • In the East, an absence of a strong connection between the individual and the organization resulting in fatigue and lack of motivation
  • In the West, an absence of skills or competencies to marshal and implement resources necessary to reach objectives.
  • In the South, a presence of inhibitions, fear of failure and lack of sufficient motivation.

The news TM Model

The N.E.W.S. Model (click to enlarge)

Core Concepts

  • Creating your own career
  • Navigation
  • Choice
  • The Compass
  • Getting Stuck
  • Greatness

The 10 Axioms of Coaching for Greatness according to news TM 
  1. Within every person there is a natural potential for greatness.
  2. This natural greatness is a potential that can be manifested in a person's life, thoughts, and actions – or not.
  3. The manifestation of a person's greatness is a matter of conscious choice.
  4. On the way to manifesting greatness, every person has to overcome, by choice, internal and external limits and barriers.
  5. A person creates his or her reality by making choices, consciously or unconsciously. Over time that is how he creates his / her life.
  6. Overcoming barriers to greatness is a process of natural growth and development, focused internally rather than externally.
  7. Each person's greatness, each person's barriers, and therefore each person's journey towards development are individual and unique. 
  8. A person's growth by choice has to be done through multiple levels of his or her mental, emotional and physical structures.
  9. A coach can assist others to discover their potential greatness, their barriers, and the manifestations of that greatness, but cannot make choices or take their journey for them.
  10. A coach can, therefore, help people become their greater selves.

Greatness is each person’s inborn unique and authentic
potential for contribution to the world